In A Barbie World

What to know: The “Barbie” movie had a strong opening over the weekend.

The TPPF take: Barbie enjoys her high-carbon lifestyle. Shouldn’t you?

“I just hope she’s not private jet setting around the world preaching climate action now,” says TPPF’s Jason Isaac. “I mean, that would be hypocritical, right?”

For more on carbon and life, click here.

Makes Sense

What to know: Weighing in on the controversy surrounding the Texas State Historical Association’s going woke, state Sen. Mayes Middleton says the official Texas historian shouldn’t hate Texas.

The TPPF take: The TSHA’s chief historian has a history of denigrating the early Texans.

“As a historian, the Chief Historian should be actively promoting Texas history and encouraging student engagement with our state’s rich history in a way that does not try to rewrite it,” Middleton wrote in a letter to the University of Texas at Austin. “I expect swift action to be taken to ensure this affront does not continue. The Texas State Historical Association needs a new Chief Historian, one that promotes Texas history and the exceptionalism of this great state.”

For more on history and the TSHA, click here.

No Wonder

What to know: A new book says it’s OK to flee states such as California.

The TPPF take: Sometimes, moving just makes sense.

“With all that tax money California collects, you’d think its residents would enjoy great roads and a strong public education system—but California’s thoroughfares rank the nation’s fourth worst due to a big backlog of deferred maintenance while their K-12 public school results are barely better, ranking 40th of 50,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore, a former California Assemblyman. “And, due in part to California’s heavy regulatory burden, residents pay the third-highest cost of living in the nation, after Hawaii and Massachusetts.”

For more on California, click here.