In the Long Run

What to know: Environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing principles threaten your retirement savings, economist Stephen Moore warns.

The TPPF take: ESG is a scam—and in direct conflict with the free-market principles that have made the U.S. successful.

“The ESG movement typically targets industries deemed politically incorrect, including fossil fuel exploration and production, as well as firearm manufacturing and selling,” says TPPF’s Greg Sindelar. “ESG policies can also lead to criminal collusion between investment firms—which are supposed to be competitors.”

For more on ESG principles, click here.

Housing Shortage

What to know: The U.S. housing shortage is expected to get worse as demand increases, especially in places like Texas.

The TPPF take: Lawmakers can make homes more affordable through legislation.

“Local governments too often have unduly onerous restrictions that limit development and contribute to artificially raising the cost of housing to the current record levels—excluding potential homeowners, threatening property rights, and hurting free enterprise and the statewide economy,” says South Texas College of Law Professor Matthew Festa, writing for The Cannon Online. “A statewide legislative solution will provide more consistency and predictability, and help simplify the overly-complex regulations that vary from locality to locality.”

For more on affordability, click here.


What to know: Ukraine is fighting a war against its own corruption, as well as a war against Russia.

The TPPF take: Even a corrupt Ukraine is worth supporting against Russian aggression.

“Instead of a battlefield victory, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its resulting massive loss of tanks, artillery, and infantry has reduced the Russian threat to Europe — especially the frontline states of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Romania — for a generation,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “This is entirely due to a successful Ukrainian resistance made possible by material and financial support from the U.S. and its European partners.”

For more on Ukraine, click here.