Inflating the Biden Administration’s Successes

What to know: The Washington Post is stumped; it notes that inflation is falling, then asks, “Why aren’t people noticing?”

The TPPF take: President Biden’s policies are directly responsible for driving inflation.

“Since President Biden took office in 2021, he’s wasted no opportunity to demonize the American oil and gas industry and smother production of affordable and reliable energy,” says TPPF’s Jason Isaac. “He has repeatedly overstepped his authority to enact new regulations and taxes that have made it increasingly difficult for energy producers to do business and forcing higher prices on American families when they can least afford it.”

For more on inflation, click here.

Doctor Shortage

What to know: What’s the real cause of the physician shortage (particularly in rural areas)? The number of residency programs hasn’t kept up with the number of medical school graduates.

The TPPF take: Creating new opportunities for “unmatched” medical school graduates (those who didn’t get accepted into residency programs) could help alleviate the rural doctor shortage.

“These graduates would be required to have received a medical degree from an accredited medical school and have passed the first two steps of the United States Medical Licensing Exams, or their equivalents,” says TPPF’s David Balat. “They would work under the supervision of a licensed and board-certified physician practicing primary care, which would be especially useful in areas that have been deemed to be underserved due to physician shortages.”

For more on the physician shortage, click here.

Academic Freedom

What to know: Some Texas college students and faculty are upset that the Legislature is taking aim at “diversity, equity and inclusion” (DEI) practices at public universities.

The TPPF take: Discriminatory DEI policies have no place in our public universities.

“Texas colleges and universities have been giving preferential hiring treatment (inclusion) to those who believe our country is driven by racism, white supremacy and a binary gender patriarchy,” says TPPF’s Sherry Sylvester. “Everyone else, especially those who espouse principles like merit, initiative, color-blindness and equality fall into the ‘white supremacist’ category. They’re excluded.”

For more on DEI, click here.