Inflation and Recession

What to Know: Inflation is real, and a recession may be inevitable.

The TPPF Take: These economic conditions are caused by bad policy.

“Whenever you overregulate, as the Biden administration has done, when you overspend, as Congress has done, and you overprint money, as the Fed has done, these are the results,” says TPPF’s Vance Ginn. “Americans are feeling the pain.”

For more on inflation and recession, watch this.

Social Emotional Learning

What to Know: More and more school districts are expanding “social emotional learning” (SEL), in an effort to “meet the holistic needs of our students,” as one official puts it.

The TPPF Take: SEL is actually providing another portal for prohibited concepts like critical race theory to enter and thrive in K-12 classrooms.

“The question for Texas, like other states that have made efforts to remove critical-theory-based concepts from K-12 classrooms, is how to close and lock the door — to prevent social justice warriors and activist teachers from using SEL materials and their own values to evade the intent of ‘prohibited concept’” legislation,” says TPPF’s Carol Swain.

For more on SEL, click here.

Student Debt

What to Know: Canceling student debt is a bad economic move.

The TPPF Take: Economists Sylvain Catherine and Constantine Yannelis have been documenting how regressive student loan forgiveness would be for years, and their latest analysis indicates that the richest 20% of the population would get $6 in benefits for every $1 the poorest 20% get.

This regressivity is one of the 18 problems we identified with student loan forgiveness” says TPPF’s Andrew Gillen.

For more on student debt, click here.