
What to Know: A Texas Democrat is disputing the Biden administration’s claim that the border is secure.

The TPPF Take: The border is far from secure, but Texas sheriffs can take some steps that will help curb illegal immigration.

“A federal statute passed in 1952 and amended in 1996—8 USC Sec. 1324—allows state and local law enforcement to arrest those who move and house aliens who have illegally entered the U.S.,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “Unlike other federal statutes that require federal permission to enforce federal law, this statute allows state and local law enforcement to make arrests. This means that local law enforcement—sheriffs and highway patrol, for example—can throw a wrench into the Biden administration’s efforts to hide the vast extent of the border crisis from the American people.”

For more on illegal immigration, click here.

Not Going Green

What to Know: The comic strip “Dilbert” has fired a broadside at the corporate “Environmental, Social and Governance” movement.

The TPPF Take: Like Dilbert, Texas is standing up to the ESG bullies.

“This is a warning and wake up call to financial companies that want to take Texas pension and taxpayer dollars and weaponize them against Texas,” says TPPF’s Jason Isaac. “The ESG movement wrongly bullies corporations into ignoring their duty to provide profitability for shareholders, in order to appease a vocal minority of progressive activists. And some major firms, like BlackRock, are capitulating.”

For more on BlackRock and other firms, click here.

Parent Empowerment

What to Know: A new Dallas Morning News poll shows that most Texans support parent empowerment. “The new poll of 1,268 registered voters between Sept. 6-13 found that 60% supported the school choice option with 28% of all poll respondents opposed,” the newspaper reports.

The TPPF Take: TPPF is ready to fight for parent empowerment and school choice, armed with data and plans for giving parents more say in their children’s educations.

“TPPF has an aggressive agenda to ensure parents are the primary decision makers in their kids’ education,” says TPPF’s Mandy Drogin. “It starts with knowing what’s going on in the classrooms, giving parents a real voice in evaluating the quality of the material, and granting them the right to choose which educational environment works best for their kids.”

For more on parental empowerment, click here.