Is This Justice?

What to know: The media is amazed that former President Donald Trump’s recent convictions in court haven’t hurt his standing in the polls.

The TPPF take:  Americans are realizing how politicized our justice system has become against the left’s political targets.

“Politics is quickly taking over any fidelity to the Constitution or the rule of law,” says TPPF’s Brett Tolman. “If you’re in opposition to the party in power, the criminal justice system can and likely will be weaponized against you. We must stop placating judicial abuse and corruption or any one of us could be met with brute political and legal warfare by those in power.”

For more on Trump’s Trials, click here.

Do No Harm

What to know: A group of doctors is calling on the American medical community to stop experimenting on children who believe themselves to be transgender.

The TPPF take: We can expect a slew of lawsuits over experimental treatments.

“We’re going to have several million children who were transitioned in this country, whose lives were ruined,” said pediatric endocrinologist Dr. Quentin Van Meter, talking with The Cannon Online. “The lawsuits will be huge. Drug makers will be shut down by judgments. Because it’s wrong.”

For more on transgenderism, click here.

Smart Phones and Dumb Policies

What to know: Schools shouldn’t allow smartphones into the classroom, one teacher says: “I realized early on that phones were a distraction and a tool often used to cheat.”

The TPPF take: Smartphones are definitely a distraction.

“We’re checking our phones hundreds of times a day and spending the equivalent of a 40-hour work week on digital devices every week,” says TPPF’s David Dunmoyer. “Call it convenience, familiarity, addiction, or anything you like, but since the advent of smartphones, we simply aren’t experiencing reality like we once did.”

For more on smartphones and social media, click here.