It Will Come For Us All

What to Know: The federal government continues to take over more and more of the health insurance market.

The TPPF Take: Medicaid and Medicare are drawing in patients who used to have private health insurance. Much of that has happened through Medicaid expansion by states.

“Medicaid doesn’t make people healthier,” notes TPPF’s David Balat. “Expanding Medicaid and crowding out the vulnerable populations inhibits access to care and creates crowded emergency rooms.”

For more on Medicaid, click here.


What to Know: The Biden administration is stepping in to attempt to mandate how Florida handles college and university accreditation.

The TPPF Take: Florida should fight this overreach by the Biden administration.

“Accreditation is simply too important to allow its problems to fester,” says TPPF’s Andrew Gillen. “By fighting and winning in court, Florida could expose the illogical position of the Biden administration and help improve the accreditation system for the whole country.”

For more on accreditation, click here.

That’s Horrific

What to Know: The New York City and District of Columbia mayors have finally realized there’s a crisis at the border, and they’re calling on the Biden administration to step up, Gov. Greg Abbott says.

The TPPF Take: This is a real problem, not just in NYC and D.C., but also in rural Brooks County, Texas, where the death toll is rising.

“Don White is the deputy tasked with search and rescue in the county with the highest number of migrant deaths in the nation,” says TPPF’s Roy Maynard. “He sees the cartel-driven violence, victimization and abandonment in the desert that has led to the discovery of more than 70 bodies in Brooks County so far this year. The mobile morgue provided by the state of Texas is nearly full.”

For more on Brooks County, click here.