It Will Take More Than Hugs

What to Know: Mexico’s president continues his “hugs, not bullets” policy that coddles criminal cartels.

The TPPF Take: The lawlessness will continue until the cartels are confronted.

“The intersection between Mexican criminal organizations and state power has deepened of late,” says TPPF’s Melissa Ford. “Today, cartels control entire territories of Mexico. Estimates suggest 35% to 40% of Mexico is under direct cartel rule. Cartels function as quasi-governments while top Mexican officials look the other way. Cartels also offer massive bribes to law enforcement officers, who are corrupted into protecting their illicit activities.”

For more on the cartels, click here.

Border Crisis

What to Know: Another member of Congress from Texas, Rep. Mayra Flores, is calling upon the Biden administration to visit the border and see the crisis up close.

The TPPF Take: Biden’s border crisis means that Texas is spending state tax revenues for what’s really a federal responsibility.

“Successful border security for Texas will both deter migrants from unlawful entry and impede criminal drug cartel operations,” says TPPF’s Rodney Scott. “Achieving this goal requires proactive federal and state cooperation. While strengthening the effectiveness of Texas’ own border security system, state officials can and should continue to hold the federal gov­ernment accountable for the protection of all the states of the Union. As long as Texas has an unsecure border, every state is a border state.”

For more on the border crisis, click here.

Investor’s Duty

What to Know: Woke “environmental, social and governance” (ESG) investing is distracting money managers from their duty—to create wealth.

The TPPF Take: Americans are waking up to woke politics in their pension plans.

“The ESG movement wrongly bullies corporations into ignoring their duty to provide profitability for shareholders, in order to appease a vocal minority of progressive activists,” says TPPF’s Jason Isaac. “And some major firms, like BlackRock, are capitulating.”

For more on BlackRock and other firms, click here.