It’s Not About the Humans

What to know: Women-led tobacco companies receive higher ratings from environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings groups than Tesla, which makes electric vehicles.

The TPPF take: ESG is a scam. Just look how China, with its record of human and environmental devastation, ranks higher on ESG scales than responsible American companies.

“So, here’s the bottom line from the self-righteous global elites: Chinese-government-owned coal, fine; Chinese slave-provisioned solar power, good; Chinese state-owned natural gas, better; American domestic natural gas and oil, terrible,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “As with tobacco and Tesla, these ratings are meaningless.”

For more on ESG, click here. 

The Kids are Not Alright 

What to know: Parents are right to worry about today’s children; they’re hurting right now, and smartphones are a big part of the problem.

The TPPF take: Texas is taking steps to protect children and all Texans online.

“The passage of HB 18 marks a crucial step in the right direction to protect our most precious population from overwhelming harms and stop the commodification of children by Big Tech,” says TPPF’s Greg Sindelar. “As children are experiencing unprecedented levels of anxiety, depression, self-harm, sex trafficking, and suicide online, the passage of HB 18 is a momentous victory in the bid to put the safety and well-being of children over the pecuniary interests of Big Tech.”

For more on Big Tech, click here. 

Rationing and Reason

What to know:  Government-sponsored euthanasia (killing sick people via “assisted suicide”) is one way that Canada rations its “universal, free-to-all” health care. Now, some Canadians in a survey say that poverty and homelessness are good reasons for the government to kill you, too.

The TPPF take: This is where single-payer health care systems lead; resources are limited, while needs are not.

“The fundamental flaw of single-payer is that it increases demand (covering more people) while ignoring supply,” says TPPF’s David Balat. “Health care providers simply can’t afford to add more patients at the reimbursement rates the system can offer. That’s why we’re seeing rationing occur even now in Medicare and Medicaid in the U.S.”

For more on rationing and the loss of reason, click here.