What to know: The Texas Legislature gaveled out the 88th regular session on Monday.

The TPPF take: There’s unfinished business in the Texas Legislature.

“The 88th Texas legislature made tremendous progress this session, but the work remains unfinished. The failure to complete several major initiatives are so significant that TPPF supports a call for a special session,” says TPPF’s Greg Sindelar. “The most important agenda items still lay on the table. The promise of parent empowerment sits unfulfilled, leaving Texas parents without the transparency, quality, respect, and choice they deserve from our education system. Taxpayers are still burdened by one of the most punitive property taxes in the country. And Texas has much work left to do to assert its territorial sovereignty to protect our border communities from the scourge of drug and human trafficking. These issues are key to maintaining the prosperity and freedom we enjoy in Texas. We are encouraged that the governor has signaled he will call a special session to address these issues. TPPF stands ready to help the governor and the Texas legislature complete the agenda for the people of Texas.”

For more on special sessions, click here. 

A Victory for Equality

What to know: Texas lawmakers have passed the nation’s strongest legislation against diversity, equity and inclusion offices and policies in Texas higher education.

The TPPF take: This bill will end Texas taxpayer support of DEI, a political ideology rooted in the premise that white supremacy is the primary force driving every aspect of university and American life.

“SB 17 will close down DEI offices at Texas colleges and universities, end mandatory DEI training and ensure that no job applicant at a state institution of higher education is required to sign a statement affirming their support of any political doctrine in order to be hired,” says TPPF’s Sherry Sylvester. “SB 17 will end the fissures of division that have been created on Texas college and university campuses and help return the principles of open inquiry and free speech to the state’s institutions of higher learning.”

For more on DEI, click here. 

Online Safety

What to know: Texas legislators also passed a bill that will implement new safeguards for children online and empower parents to exercise control over their children’s safety online.

The TPPF take: This legislation will help keep kids safe.

“The passage of HB 18 marks a crucial step in the right direction to protect our most precious population from overwhelming harms and stop the commodification of children by Big Tech,” says TPPF’s Zach Whiting. “Rep. Slawson and Sen. Hughes have been stalwarts in their fight to keep our children safe, and this monumental victory is a testament to their resolve. As children are experiencing unprecedented levels of anxiety, depression, self-harm, sex trafficking, and suicide online, the passage of HB 18 is a momentous victory in the bid to put the safety and well-being of children over the pecuniary interests of Big Tech.”

For more on children’s safety online, click here.