It’s Time for School Choice

What to know: A new essay in Politico says that school choice drove Texas elections this cycle—providing a model for other states.

The TPPF take: Texas voters showed they want school choice—and they won’t take no for an answer.

“Voters have spoken very loudly and very clearly, and they want school choice,” says TPPF’s Mandy Drogin. “And it’s no coincidence that it comes at a time when there’s a shift in conservative politics. Gov. Abbott should be congratulated on his hard work on behalf of candidates who support parent empowerment.”

For more on school choice, click here.


What to know: A new report says that governments—not the private sector—are behind the big push for “environmental, social and governance” (ESG) investing, which seeks to use investing other people’s money to achieve political ends.

The TPPF take: Companies such as BlackRock are playing politics with public funds. BlackRock even admitted recently that its ESG activism poses a serious risk to its business earnings.

“It’s clear BlackRock is trying to hide and change its language when discussing ESG,” says TPPF’s Jason Isaac. “It’s ironic that BlackRock fears the exact tactics — public backlash, reputation damage, and losing clients — the ESG mob uses to coerce businesses into compliance with its political agenda.”

For more on ESG, click here.

Bitterly Clinging to Net Zero

What to know: President Joe Biden continues to cling to “Net Zero” policies, even as European countries move away from the impossible and unaffordable goals.

The TPPF take: President Biden’s Net Zero policies are making the world a less safe place.

“President Joe Biden’s decree to end permitting for the construction of more liquified natural gas export facilities is clearly aimed at shoring up his support among the left as he heads into a difficult reelection campaign,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “The move makes Europe more vulnerable to Russia’s energy blackmail. But it also hurts developing nations such as Kenya.”

For more on Net Zero and energy poverty, click here.