Liberty’s New Address

What to know: West Texas A&M University has announced the establishment of the Hill Institute, which will focus its efforts on civic education—to “illuminate the founding values of our nation,” as its mission statement says.

The TPPF take: Liberty has a new haven at West Texas A&M University.

“Among what has been lost in American higher education today is civic education,” notes TPPF’s Tom Lindsay. “However, amid all this dark news, one school has decided to light a candle. West Texas A&M University (WTAMU) just announced the launch of its Hill Institute, which will seek to restore civic education to its rightful place of prominence in higher education. The Institute will instruct students in the ‘basic tenets essential to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in a free society.’”

For more on the Hill Institute and civics education, click here. 

Beacon of Hope

What to know: A new chapel has been dedicated inside the Mississippi Correctional Institute for Women.

The TPPF take: The chapel represents hope, forgiveness, and redemption.

“The presence of these chapels not only allows for religious services but also offers these women a sacred space to find solace, seek forgiveness, and embark on a path of redemption,” says TPPF’s Scott Peyton. “Through the services they will hold in the chapel, these women will continue to inspire and uplift their fellow inmates, providing a beacon of hope for all who seek a path to renewal.”

For more on criminal justice and redemption, click here.

Guaranteed to Wither

What to know: The city of Austin reupped its “guaranteed income program” with a $1.3 million commitment of taxpayer money. The progressive scheme will see higher taxes imposed on everyone in order to benefit a select few.

The TPPF take: Giving away Other People’s Money is not a function of government.

“First and foremost, guaranteed income programs create a clear disincentive to finding work,” says TPPF’s James Quintero. “If the recipient of the guaranteed income program tries to find work, that recipient may become ineligible for benefits, such as the check. This creates a ‘benefits cliff’ in which recipients may lose more than they’re bringing in. If that’s the case, why work or move up the socio-economic ladder?”

For more on guaranteed income, click here.