Medicaid Mistake

What to know: North Carolina is the latest state to expand Medicaid eligibility, through the Affordable Care Act.

The TPPF take: Expanding the flawed Medicaid system is an exercise in false compassion.

“A recent study by the Mercatus Center found that, ‘Medicaid expansion may well have had the unintended side effect of causing the perceived needs of adults to be prioritized over those of low-income children,’” says TPPF’s David Balat. “For supporters of Medicaid expansion, signing up all those kids and then adding a million more able-bodied childless adults is enough—completely ignoring that low-income children won’t be getting timely care.”

For more on Medicaid expansion, click here.

Online Safety

What to know: States such as Texas are taking the lead in protecting children online.

The TPPF take: Texas lawmakers are battling Big Tech in order to protect our kids.

“For years, these companies have known about the harm their products create and responded by hiding the research and doubling down on attracting even younger users,” says TPPF’s Zach Whiting. “This reform gives parents a fighting chance to protect their kids from the harms that exist online, as well as the uncaring, unresponsive corporations fueling cyberaddiction.”

For more on online safety for kids, click here.

Cartel Violence

What to know: Foreign corruption is happening in Texas, and Mexican elites are using their dirty money to violate the laws of the United States.

The TPPF take: Texas can and should hold Mexico’s cartel criminals and corrupt politicians accountable.

“In the absence of federal leadership, Texas is in the best position, and under the strongest incentives, to hold corrupt foreign nationals accountable,” says TPPF’s Melissa Ford. “Texas must find a way to target such corrupt actors, by shining a light on those who undermine the rule of the law and making it significantly more difficult for them to fly under the radar.”

For more on corruption in Mexico, click here.