More Expensive Every Day

What to Know: Who is suffering most from President Biden’s inflation combined with a stagnating economy? Lower-income families.

The TPPF Take: All Americans continue to struggle in the Biden economy.

“Consumer expectations about the economy have dropped to the lowest in nearly a decade,” says TPPF’s Vance Ginn. “Small business sentiment is at a 48-year low. Even as the Biden administration is stuck on how to define a recession, Americans feel this depressed economy. This stagflation on steroids hasn’t been seen in a generation and it is the direct result of the economic policy disaster coming out of D.C.”

For more on the recession, click here.

Fentanyl Kills

What to Know: A 17-year-old high school student is just one of the latest of the thousands of deaths by fentanyl overdose the U.S. will see this year.

The TPPF Take: President Biden’s border policies are fueling the fentanyl crisis.

“When large groups of people illegally cross the border at once, Border Patrol agents are forced to send all of their resources to one area, freeing up other areas for cartels to send through drugs, weapons, and criminal illegal immigrants,” says TPPF’s Selene Rodriguez. “Neither the fentanyl crisis nor the border crisis are new. But both are worsened under the disastrous policies of the Biden administration.”

For more on fentanyl, click here.


What to Know: Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt calls environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing “anti-American.”

The TPPF Take: The ESG movement is all about power, not about maximizing returns for pensioners and retirees.

“ESG investing, which could be a useful tool for individuals to make informed choices about their investments, has instead become a wrecking ball that could destroy entire industries,” says TPPF’s Jason Isaac. “The un-American agenda of the climate cartel is an affront to the principles of liberty that founded our country.”

For more on ESG, click here.