Movin’ Out

What to know: Piano Man Billy Joel has decided to leave New York for Florida, with its lower taxes and abundant sanity.

The TPPF take: While he’s at it, Billy should say goodbye to Hollywood. It’s only getting more expensive and more chaotic, too.

“When people vote—with a moving van or a U-Haul truck—they vote for lower taxes and smaller government,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “And it isn’t likely that politicians in Illinois or California or New York will reverse course anytime soon to stem the flood of people moving out by cutting taxes and trimming red tape.”

For more on in-migration, click here.

They’re Not Your Children

What to know: White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre says that children don’t belong to their parents. She added, there’s “no such thing as someone else’s child. Our nation’s children are all our children.”

The TPPF take: Is it clear now why we fight so hard for parental empowerment?

“Empowering parents means all parents, including those in public schools, can count on transparency, high-quality options, and respect,” says TPPF’s Mandy Drogin. “That means no more jailing parents for speaking up at school board meetings. No more secretly ‘transitioning’ young children, behind their parents’ backs. No more restraining special needs kids. And no more revisionist history that tells blatant lies to our children about Texas or America.”

For more on wokeness in rural schools, click here.

Whale Wars

What to know: A recent spate of whale beachings and deaths has caused a notable decrease in support for offshore wind projects.

The TPPF take: The government didn’t fully study threats to marine wildlife, including these critically endangered whales.

“A Department of the Interior program called ‘Smart from the Start,’ intended to speed up projects, was used to improperly grant permissions allowing foreign-owned energy companies to move forward despite the harms to our domestic industries and environment,” says TPPF’s Ted Hadzi-Antich. “These wind projects will also directly threaten endangered species, including the North Atlantic right whale, which migrate through this area each year.”

For more on offshore wind, click here.