Not So Fast

What to Know: President Biden’s scheme to “forgive” student loan debt (really, it would just transfer the debt to taxpayers) has been challenged in the courts.

The TPPF Take: President Biden himself acknowledged that the COVID pandemic is over, which is the basis for the student loan cancellation program

“Biden’s the president of the United States,” says TPPF’s Robert Henneke. “What he says is policy for the country and given that the basis for this student loan forgiveness policy is premised on the justification of the continued Covid disaster that the president said doesn’t exist anymore, that, I think, is going to be something the courts will factor in.”

For more on student loans, watch this.

Some Things are Off-Limits

What to Know: An email sent from the Northside ISD superintendent to all staff bashes parental empowerment and says that this is: “just one more reason to be registered to vote in the critically important upcoming November election.”

The TPPF Take: Public school superintendents should not use public resources to broadcast their personal political preferences.

“Everyone is entitled to have and share their political opinions. However, public servants cross the line when they use taxpayer resources to promote their own personal politics. Texans deserve better from their public school administrators,” says TPPF’s James Quintero.

For more on school electioneering, click here.


What to Know: Americans’ pain at the pump is about to get worse—gas prices are set to rise again.

The TPPF Take: President Biden once lamented he doesn’t “have a magic wand” to make fuel prices lower.

“But there is a magic wand to fix skyrocketing energy prices and inflation, or, rather, a magic word,” says TPPF’s Jason Isaac. “It’s ‘reverse’—reverse the disastrous anti-energy policies that are making global energy shortages far worse. The more scarce oil is, the more expensive it is. It follows that any laws, taxes, fees, or regulations from the federal government that make producing, refining, and distributing oil more difficult also make it more expensive for consumers.”

For more on gas prices, click here.