Charting the Course

What to know: Legislation has been introduced in the Texas Senate that would protect our state’s charter schools.

The TPPF take: The bill would shield charters from the capricious whims of local governments.

“Charter schools bring opportunity and hope to families across Texas, closing persistent achievement gaps and giving thousands of students the chance to receive a high-quality education,” says TPPF’s Emily Sass. “Just as charters don’t discriminate against the students who walk through their doors, cities shouldn’t be allowed to discriminate against the operation of charter schools. Local politics shouldn’t stand in the way of family needs.”

For more on charter schools, click here.

Not With Our Tax Dollars

What to know: Ten members of the Texas Senate have filed legislation to stop tax dollars from going to lobbyists.

The TPPF take: Local government officials and employees may still participate in the legislative process; they simply can’t use tax dollars to hire lobbyists.

“Taxpayers should not foot the bill for lobbyists who advocate against their interests. It’s wrong and unethical,” says TPPF’s James Quintero. “Tax dollars should pay for the core functions of government, not fund high-priced lobbyists whose job it is to argue for higher taxes, more spending, and bigger bureaucracies. It’s time for Texas lawmakers to end this misuse of public money.”

For more on lobbying with tax dollars, click here.


What to know: A year ago, the COVID-19 shutdowns began in earnest.

The TPPF take: Did the shutdowns save lives? The data says no.

“The government response to COVID-19 has mostly been a failure,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “Theatric, yes—see New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Emmy. Symbolic, yes. But there is no evidence shutdowns did anything but deepen the economic suffering, increase suicides, and prevent lifesaving medical tests and treatments.”

For more on the shutdowns, click here.