Parent Empowerment Helps Everyone

What to know: History shows that universal school choice mainly helps students who were not already in private school settings.

The TPPF take: Universal school choice helps everyone.

“Choice puts rural students on competitive ground with city kids because it results in more options,” says TPPF’s Mandy Drogin. “Florida started choice in 1999 and the number of private schools in Florida’s 30 rural counties has doubled over that time, from 62 to 119, as private school choice has expanded. They’ve grown by a third over the past 10 years.”

For more on universal school choice, click here.

No Legitimate Basis

What to know: A U.S. House report on the Department of Justice going after parents in school board meetings found the action “had no legitimate basis,” according to the Judiciary Committee.

The TPPF take: Now is the time to empower Texas parents.

“But it’s not just choice,” says TPPF’s Roy Maynard. “That means no more jailing parents for speaking up at school board meetings. No more secretly ‘transitioning’ young children, behind their parents’ backs. No more restraining special needs kids. And no more revisionist history that tells blatant lies to our children about Texas or America.”

For more on parent empowerment, click here.

Can’t Get There from Here

What to know: President Joe Biden has blocked mining of the minerals—such as lithium—that his “energy transition” to renewables will require.

The TPPF take: Environmentalists are making that “transition” impossible.

“The current shortage of critical minerals also stems from a decades-long push from activist organizations to limit mining activity in the United States, and the Endangered Species Act has long been a favorite cudgel of these groups because of its sweeping powers,” says TPPF’s Brent Bennett. “A classic example is a lawsuit from the Center for Biological Diversity challenging an open-pit lithium and boron mine in Nevada over the impact it was having on a wildflower.”

For more on renewable minerals and material, click here.