Parent Empowerment in East Texas

What to know: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott will travel to Tyler tomorrow night for a rally on parent empowerment. There’s still room if you’d like to attend!

The TPPF take: Even in suburban and rural areas of Texas, parents have the right to direct the education of their children.

“In the past, opponents of parent empowerment in Texas have relied upon rural Republicans to help sink school choice—or anything they can misleadingly paint as ‘vouchers,’” says TPPF’s Mandy Drogin. “They portray it as all pain and no gain for districts that may lack the wider array of private, charter and magnet schools urban and suburban districts enjoy. But Texas voters are wising up to this slight-of-hand. Choice puts rural students on competitive ground with city kids because it results in more options.”

For more on parent empowerment, click here.

Eastward Ho!

What to know: Writing in the Wall Street Journal, economists Stephen Moore and Art Laffer wonder why the wealthy continue to stay in California, despite its punitive wealth taxes—and all the state’s other problems.

The TPPF take: California’s opulent capitol building shows evidence of the Golden State’s former fortunes.

“Today, those who work in that capitol, representing the interests of 39 million people, are an increasingly isolated elite, loosely guiding a vast and powerful unelected bureaucracy that sees nothing as too insignificant to regulate or proscribe,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “The result looks increasingly like an ‘Elysium’ on earth, with wealthy enclaves of the beautiful people surrounded by masses struggling to get by.

For more on California, click here.

Protect the Kids

What to know: Congress is finally realizing the danger that social media algorithms pose to our nation’s children.

The TPPF take: Red states such as Texas are leading the way when it comes to safety online for children.

“We must treat Big Tech the way we dealt with Big Tobacco at the end of the last century — as an industry whose access to a vulnerable population, our teens, must be curtailed,” says TPPF’s Zach Whiting. “Because Congress has not passed new legislation to address this mounting mental-health challenge, red states such as Utah, Texas, and now Florida are moving to step in. The moment is right.”

For more on Big Tech, click here.