Parenting is a God-Given Duty

What to know: A group calling itself “Pastors for Texas Children,” funded by teachers unions, is fighting against parent empowerment.

The TPPF take: Parents—not educrats—have the God-given duty to direct the upbringing of their children. Pastors such as Dana Carson know this.

“So why do we pass this duty off to the education system that didn’t bring our children into the world and allows too many of our sons and daughters to fall through the cracks of low expectations?” asks Carson. “Do we not know our children best? Do we not have the duty to do everything we can to raise them well and prepare them for the world?”

For more on parent empowerment, click here.

Robin Hood, but in Reverse

What to know: In Texas and some other states, taxing entities can seize property for unpaid tax bills—but if the property sells at auction for more than the debt, the entity simply keeps the profit. This is home equity theft—taking from the poor, and giving to the government.

The TPPF take: It’s time for Texas to rein in property taxes, which makes perpetual renters of every Texas property owner.

“It happens on the first Tuesday of every month, all over Texas,” says TPPF’s James Quintero. Bidders gather at the west entrance steps courthouses, looking for bargains. At 10 a.m., the sales commence—properties are auctioned off to pay the taxes owed on them. Some are vacant lots and some are homes. All were seized from their owners over delinquent property taxes.”

For more on tax seizures and property taxes, click here.

Freedom from Knowledge?

What to know: Hundreds of professors at the University of North Carolina have signed a letter opposing courses on America’s founding and the U.S. Constitution, saying it limits “academic freedom.”

The TPPF take: Our college accreditation system is helping to perpetuate ivory tower nonsense like this.

“The University of North Carolina board of trustees voted to establish a School of Civic Life and Leadership,” says TPPF’s Andrew Gillen. “In other words, the woke won’t be in control of the new school. Tolerance for the non-woke is apparently unacceptable to the accrediting agency, which decided to invoke the old Soviet judicial method of determining guilt first, and then proceeding with a sham trial to plausibly justify the predetermined outcome.”

For more on wokeness and academic freedom, click here.