Parents Love Empowerment

What to know: Polls show increasing support for parent empowerment and school choice, as states with existing choice programs see skyrocketing participation.

The TPPF take: Empowering parents to make the key decisions on their children’s educations benefits everyone involved.

“Once parents are empowered with real choices, schools respond with new programs, improved curriculum, and a renewed focus on the quality of the education they are providing students,” says TPPF’s Mandy Drogin. “School choice is the catalyst that encourages everyone to become better and more efficient.”

For more on parent empowerment, click here.

Wrong Way, Lubbock

What to know: The city of Lubbock may soon raise taxes. City officials are right now considering: “a property tax rate increase of nearly one-and-a-half cents” that would force the average homeowner to pay about $110 more per year.

The TPPF take: It’s the wrong time to raise taxes.

“The stammering Joe Biden economy and elevated inflation have done a number on most people’s budgets,” says TPPPF’s James Quintero. “Now, the city of Lubbock is threatening to make things worse by raising taxes. It makes no sense.”

For more on local taxes, click here.

Smoke on the Water

What to know: Canadian wildfires have blanketed many U.S. cities in thick layers of pollution.

The TPPF take: Pollution from Canadian wildfires shows just how clean America’s air is.

“The EPA’s decades of air quality data show that air pollution has plummeted nearly 80% since 1970,” says TPPF’s Jason Isaac. “In fact, our air is now so clean that manmade pollution is nearly indistinguishable from naturally occurring levels caused by things like dust, pollen, and — you guessed it — wildfires.”

For more on air quality, click here.