Policies Matter

What to know: New research published by SmartAsset found that the cost to raise a child was highest in progressive states (No. 1 Massachusetts, No. 2 Hawaii, No. 3 Connecticut, No. 4 Colorado, and No. 5 New York). At the other end, the least expensive places to raise a family were conservative states (No. 1 Mississippi, No. 2 Arkansas, No. 3 Louisiana, No. 4 Kentucky, and No. 5 Alabama).

The TPPF take: Bad policies make life harder. Good policies foster human flourishing and the family unit.

“As governments grow and demand more, families have a harder time affording the basics and putting food on the table. However, in places that favor low taxes, limited government, and personal responsibility, families have an easier time making ends meet,” says TPPF’s James Quintero. “Conservative states treat the family budget better than progressive states.”

For more on families and economic policies, click here.

A New Hope? Probably Not

What to know: Mexico has elected a new president, though she has pledged to continue her corrupt predecessor’s leftist policies.

The TPPF take: Americans should care about who is running Mexico.

“The election results should be a wake-up call for Americans,” says TPPF’s Melissa Ford. “Mexican criminal organizations are the largest criminal threat to the U.S., and Mexico, now a one-party state, will be governed by a left-populist coalition with strong narco-criminal ties for another six years. As the U.S.-Mexico relationship continues to deteriorate, our leaders must realize that it will be impossible for the U.S. to have a reliable border security partnership with Mexico.”

For more on Mexico, click here.

Artificial Irrelevance

What to know: California has proposed a slate of new restrictions on artificial intelligence. It’s the biggest effort so far to regulate AI.

The TPPF take: Texas has a better approach to AI issues.

“Through spectacular failure on the part of California and the Biden administration, coupled with the ingredients Texas has at its disposal, the Lone Star State is stepping into the breach to lead the nation with a responsible, pro-innovation legislative framework for AI,” says TPPF’s David Dunmoyer. “Those ingredients include the infrastructure, talent, business environment, size, and, importantly, the public policy landscape conducive to responsible growth.”

For more on AI, click here.