Protecting Children

What to know: Several states, including Texas, have passed laws protecting children from the proven harms of social media.

The TPPF take: Texas lawmakers battled Big Tech in order to protect our kids.

“For years, these companies have known about the harm their products create and responded by hiding the research and doubling down on attracting even younger users,” says TPPF’s Zach Whiting. “This reform gives parents a fighting chance to protect their kids from the harms that exist online, as well as the uncaring, unresponsive corporations fueling cyberaddiction.”

For more on online safety for kids, click here.

Wages Down in DFW

What to know: New Census Bureau data suggests that the median income in the Dallas-Fort Worth area fell from 2019 to 2022. “D-FW median income was $82,823 last year, compared with $83,537 in 2019, adjusted for inflation.

The TPPF take: DFW residents cannot afford the ever-growing cost of government.

“Median income in the Metroplex region has declined over the last several years. This troubling news should prompt every local elected official in the area to get serious about cutting spending and lowering taxes. Texans can’t afford business as usual right now,” says TPPF’s James Quintero.

For more on local spending, click here.

Border Crisis

What to know: Mexico has told the Biden administration it will deport more migrants from border cities.

The TPPF take: Who could have seen this coming? We did.

“The American president, who is running for reelection, benefits greatly if Mexico clamps down on any human trafficking crisis in the run-up to November 2024,” TPPF’s Greg Sindelar wrote last week for The Federalist. “In this light, it is not at all unreasonable to ask whether the Biden administration’s attack on Texas, and advocacy for Mexico, stems from a crassly political motivation, predicated upon a deal.”

For more on the crisis on the border, click here.