Quit Complaining and Eat Your Bugs

What to Know: Even the recession combined with inflation (stagflation) has “silver linings,” according to the media elite in their defense of the Biden administration.

The TPPF Take: Americans continue to struggle in the Biden economy.

“Consumer expectations about the economy have dropped to the lowest in nearly a decade,” says TPPF’s Vance Ginn. “Small business sentiment is at a 48-year low. Even as the Biden administration is stuck on how to define a recession, Americans feel this depressed economy. This stagflation on steroids hasn’t been seen in a generation and it is the direct result of the economic policy disaster coming out of D.C.”

For more on the recession, click here.

Things Aren’t Peachy at the Border

What to Know: While the Biden administration claims the border is secure, those who have seen the situation up close know it’s anything but.

The TPPF Take: TPPF staff recently visited the border to see for themselves.

“That is the reality of our Southern border. Dangerously open, deadly, and only getting worse with every passing day,” says TPPF’s Britt Allen. “I knew this trip would be eye opening and emotional, what I didn’t expect was walking away with a feeling of being indebted to the brave men and women in local law enforcement of Cochise County—how their bravery, sacrifice, creativity, and tenacity keep me and those I love safe from miles and miles away.”

For more on the border crisis, click here.

Oh No

What to Know: President Biden’s student loan “forgiveness” scheme is facing challenges in court—and in the court of public opinion.

The TPPF Take: This scheme is welfare for the wealthy (or soon-to-be).

“Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan, outside of being incredibly expensive and likely to lead to more inflation, will only exacerbate the student loan debt problem. An estimate using the Penn Wharton Budget Model finds that the poorest 20% will receive less than 12% of all benefits from the Biden plan, rendering this plan mostly welfare for the wealthiest Americans,” says TPPF’s Andrew Gillen.

For more on student loans, click here.