Real Pharmacy Benefits

What to Know: According to a new report, “Frustrated pharmacists are opting out of the insurance system, saving some customers hundreds of dollars a month.”

The TPPF Take: Patients are benefiting because pharmacists are leaving Pharmacy Benefits Managers and insurers out of the process when generic drugs are concerned.

“Americans are paying nearly three times more than other countries for prescription drugs, and Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) are part of the reason why,” says TPPF’s David Dunmoyer. “They act as a third-party middleman to drive up costs of medications.”

For more on PBMs, click here.

Were They Supposed to Say That Out Loud?

What to Know: Offshore wind farm officials are now admitting that, well, you can’t depend on the weather.

The TPPF Take: Dominion Energy’s CEO is angry that his firm is being asked “to financially guarantee the weather, among other factors beyond its control, for the life of the project.” Consumers, instead, should be on the hook, he contends.

“The increased volatility of wind and solar relative to gas and coal generation has a steep cost, and utilities always balk when asked to bear some of that cost instead of being able to put it on ratepayers,” says TPPF’s Brent Bennett. “If the Virginia … it will send a strong message to Texas regulators who have yet to require wind and solar generators to firm up their supply.”

For more on unreliable wind energy, click here.

Wrong Time for Tax Hikes

What to Know: Many of Texas’ local governments are putting the finishing touches on their budget and tax rates. Texans should watch local officials closely over the next few weeks to see whether they are being good fiscal stewards.

The TPPF Take: Any local government that adopts a tax rate higher than the no-new-revenue tax rate is raising taxes. That’s the absolute wrong move.

“Let’s be clear: It’s the wrong time for tax hikes. Governments that raise taxes in times of recession make things worse, not better,” says TPPF’s James Quintero. “In times like these, local elected officials should be looking for ways to cut taxes, shrink government, and lighten the load on Texas families.”

For more on tax hikes, click here.