Sanctuary City—But Only in Theory

What to Know: After Texas Gov. Greg Abbott sent a busload of illegal immigrants to New York City (a self-proclaimed “sanctuary city” for migrants), NYC Mayor Eric Adams called the move “horrific.”

The TPPF Take: What’s truly horrific is what happens to migrants every day because of the Biden administration’s open border policies.

“You have to pay with your body to reach the border,” says TPPF’s Greg Sindelar. “An estimated 80% of women and girls are sexually assaulted and abused en route to the United States. There are deaths; last December, 54 migrants were killed when the truck pulling the trailer they were crammed into rolled while taking a sharp turn in southern Mexico. Hundreds more die every year in the deserts and brushy vastness of south Texas.”

For more on the deadly effects of open borders, click here.

Tarrant County Tax Hike

What to Know: Tarrant County is preparing to adopt a budget that spends more and raises taxes. The average area homeowner would see their tax bill grow to “$612.25, up from $545.73 last year.”

The TPPF Take: You don’t raise taxes in a recession.

“It’s never a good time to raise taxes. But that’s especially true during a recession,” says TPPF’s James Quintero. “There’s still time for county officials to reconsider and adopt the no-new-revenue tax rate. That would help a lot of hurting people.”

For more on Tarrant County’s tax hike, click here.

Let the CHIPS Fall Where They May

What to Know: President Biden has signed the CHIPS Act into law.

The TPPF Take: The CHIPS Act is a $280 billion spending boondoggle.

“Congress claims this will strengthen domestic semiconductor production and help the U.S. compete with China, but that rhetoric is wrong,” says TPPF’s Vance Ginn. “Expanding corporate welfare will only serve to degrade competition and diminish the free-market principles that uphold the U.S. economy.”

To see Vance discuss the CHIPS Act, watch this.