Save the Whales

What to know: The Biden administration’s green energy agenda relies on offshore wind to provide electricity to much of the U.S.—but that will come at the expense of the endangered North Atlantic right whale.

The TPPF take: TPPF attorneys have filed a lawsuit over offshore wind plans that endanger marine wildlife, including the North Atlantic right whale.

“At every stage of wind farm development, these majestic creatures are threatened, starting with the sonar surveys used to map the seabed,” says TPPF’s Robert Henneke. “When the liberal environmental group Natural Resources Defense Council, a coalition of U.S. senators led by Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and a conservative Texas institute like mine come together to question an ocean-based wind farm project, something must be fishy.”

For more on offshore wind, click here.

Work vs. Welfare

What to know: Even as the Biden administration eases welfare requirements to increase dependence on the federal government, states are working to put work requirements back in for low-income but able-bodied recipients.

The TPPF take: A job is the beginning of an exit strategy out of poverty.

“Work means using one’s God-given talents and learned skills to provide a value to the community. Doing so confers on those suffering from poverty the very things they cry out for, such as hope, purpose, and a voice,” says TPPF’s Vance Ginn. “They gain agency—the ability to make their own decisions—and learn skills necessary for them and their families to prosper.”

For more on work vs. welfare, click here.

Allergic Reaction

What to know: The makers of EpiPen have settled a price-gouging lawsuit over its life-saving product.

The TPPF take: Middlemen have also kept EpiPen prices high.

“I have always had to rely on my trusty EpiPen pack to save my life in case of an allergic reaction,” says TPPF intern Caroline Petersen. “Mylan has taken steps in the right direction since then by creating a cheaper generic version and implementing drug-access programs. However, the company’s scandal exposes a truth behind many other drug companies’ prices: pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs). PBMs act as drug industry middlemen.”

For more on EpiPens, click here.