Scary Climate Predictions!

What to Know: A group of scientists says humanity has pushed planet Earth into “code red,” and that “humanity is unequivocally facing a climate emergency.”

The TPPF Take: The energy crisis, not the climate crisis, is code red for humanity.

“Sri Lanka is collapsing, Ghana’s economy is crumbling, and the energy crisis for Europe means not just high prices, but that developed countries are outbidding developing countries for oil supply,” says TPPF’s Jason Isaac. “Discriminating against American energy doesn’t decrease demand, it just shifts production to foreign countries with questionable human rights records and low standards of environmental protection.”

For more on climate predictions, click here.

Macabre Political Maneuvers

What to Know: President Joe Biden is drawing down our strategic petroleum reserve in what appears to be an effort to cushion the blow to Democrats in the midterm elections.

The TPPF Take: This is all about retaining power.

“Congress created the SPR in 1975 after the oil shocks of the 1970s led to gas lines and stagflation,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “But since Biden’s election — and especially since the White House announced an accelerated draw down of the SPR on Nov. 23, 2021 — the oil in the SPR has plummeted to levels not seen since 1984, shortly after the storage caverns became operational.”

For more on the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, click here.

Finding Hope

What to Know: It’s not all scary news. In a forgotten corner of Dallas, the Bonton Farms ministry is rebuilding lives by restoring a community.

The TPPF Take: Bonton resident Daris Lee has done time in prison. He now spends his time helping others.

“Helping people feels better than anything I’ve ever experienced,” Daris says. “Feeding the hungry, meeting needs, loving people. Money can’t buy that feeling.”

For more on Bonton Farms, click here.