Security Threat

What to know: An illegal immigrant from China was recently arrested for trespassing on a U.S. military base in California.

The TPPF take: The open border is a national security threat.

The link between illegal immigration and terrorism is becoming increasingly apparent,” says TPPF’s Selene Rodriguez. “News reports dating back to January of 2024 prove there have been multiple breaches by illegal aliens on United States military installations nationwide. It’s time for decisive action and unwavering transparency. The security of our nation and the safety of our citizens depend on it.”

For more on the border and national security, click here.

Student Loans

What to know: A Democratic congressional staffer went viral after thanking the Biden administration for “forgiving” his student loans—which allows him to live lavishly.

The TPPF take: Student loans aren’t “forgiven,” they’re merely shifted onto the backs of taxpayers.

“The Congressional Budget Office estimated this week that the federal budget deficit will jump to $1.9 trillion this year, a 27% increase from the February estimate,” says TPPF’s Sherry Sylvester. “Almost half the increase is a result of Joe Biden’s policies on student loan repayment and his massive student loan forgiveness – one of the policies that keeps the president on the loser list.”

For more on the Winners and Losers of the week, click here.

What Energy Transition?

What to know: The “energy transition” is a myth; the world now uses more coal than ever.

The TPPF take: The “energy transition” is simply unrealistic.

“Despite decades of private sector investment and government subsidies, no meaningful replacement of any kind is taking place,” says TPPF’s Brian Phillips. “Any growth in the use of renewables is simply adding to the country’s growing demand.”

For more on the energy transition myth, click here.