Something’s Fishy

What to know: The wave of whale deaths along the Atlantic coast is “just the beginning” of the environmental impact of offshore wind farms, Meghan Lapp says.

The TPPF take: TPPF attorneys have filed a lawsuit over offshore wind plans that endanger marine wildlife, including the North Atlantic right whale.

“At every stage of wind farm development, these majestic creatures are threatened, starting with the sonar surveys used to map the seabed,” says TPPF’s Robert Henneke. “When the liberal environmental group Natural Resources Defense Council, a coalition of U.S. senators led by Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and a conservative Texas institute like mine come together to question an ocean-based wind farm project, something must be fishy.”

For more on offshore wind, click here.

All Across Texas

What to know: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott continued his Parent Empowerment Night rallies with an event in Tyler that drew hundreds of local families.

The TPPF take: Now is the time to empower every Texas parent.

“The issue here is freedom,” says TPPF’s Mandy Drogin. “All parents, regardless of their financial ability, should have the freedom to select the best school for their child—not just the parents with the financial means to move to a great public school district or afford to write a tuition check.”

For more on parent empowerment, click here.

Truth in Statuary

What to know: President Biden is slated to travel to California this week to talk about gun control.

The TPPF take: Why California? That state has already done much to make guns unwelcome—even among its capitol statuary.

“Every civilization erects monuments to the things its members wish to celebrate,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “Texas’ monuments have a decidedly martial air — with rifles, swords, pistols, and even several cannons. The monuments surrounding the Texas Capitol serve as a reminder that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. Or, put simply: Don’t mess with Texas.”

For more on states and statutes, click here.