
What to Know: Big Tech collects frighteningly large amounts of data on you.

The TPPF Take: It’s scary.

“If you have a Google account—which includes Gmail, YouTube, etc.—they likely have gigabytes of data on you,” says TPPF’s David Dunmoyer. “For example, my Google data is 17.75 GB, which equates to approximately 13 million Word documents. And this is precisely why TPPF has advanced a plan for a Digital Bill of Rights, which would give us the right to know, to delete and correct information, and to opt-out of data collection practices, among other data privacy protections.”

For more on big tech and data collection, click here.

Immigration Impact

What to Know: Immigration was the No. 1 question in the recent debate between Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and his Democratic challenger, Beto O’Rourke.

The TPPF Take: Democrats’ illegal immigration views will haunt them in November.

“That the debate was dominated by the illegal immigration crisis unleashed by President Biden’s sudden reversal of former President Donald Trump’s policies doesn’t bode well for Democrats nationally,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “Voters are likely to render a harsh verdict on Biden’s unsecured border this November.”

For more on that debate, click here.

Ballot Security

What to Know: A federal lawsuit challenging a Texas voting law is now before the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. In the lawsuit a group argues that voters should not have to prove where they actually live when they register to vote.

The TPPF Take: Ensuring voter eligibility is essential to the validity of election results.

“When the left argued against photo voter ID, they said it was racist to make voters prove who they are,” says TPPF’s Sherry Sylvester. “Now, they are using the same outrage to argue that requiring people to register to vote at their actual home—not their office or a house where they used to live or even a post office box—is somehow a violation of, among other things, the Fourteenth Amendment.”

For more on election integrity, click here.