Suddenly I Feel a Pain

What to know: Travis County just approved an 18% budget increase for Central Health, which is a government-run healthcare district. Astoundingly, only about one-fourth of the new budget is dedicated to paying for healthcare services.

The TPPF take: This wild—and unnecessary—spending increase will be borne by taxpayers.

“Central Health is spending like drunken sailors; but at least drunken sailors spend their own money. Here, they’re spending Other People’s Money…and on what?” says TPPF’s James Quintero. “All of this government spending is driving people’s taxes up and making the affordability crisis worse.”

For more on taxes & spending, click here.

Judges, Show Your Work

What to know: Judges are ruling on important cases without providing any justification for their rulings.

The TPPF take:  “Due process demands that Judges let the public know the why behind their decisions, especially in cases which have broad implications for all Texans,” says TPPF’s Christian Townsend. “Knowing the reasoning behind a court’s decision is fundamental to ensuring judges exercise judgment, not will.”

For more on judicial opinions, click here.

Warfighters or Wokesters?

What to know: Navy brass are confused as to why drag queen ad campaigns aren’t helping its recruiting crisis.

The TPPF take: The U.S. military must focus on national security, not social justice.

“Our armed forces should cultivate and maintain a culture of excellence,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore, a retired Lieutenant Colonel. “This culture should be characterized by the values that make the military an elite institution: discipline, courage and a focus on mission above all else. But this will only be possible if we free it from the chains of bloated bureaucracy, misguided political endeavors, and an increasingly disconnected leadership cadre.”

For more on reviving the U.S. Military, click here.