Taking Aim at the Family

What to Know: The left is more and more open about its goal of abolishing the nuclear family (a key tenant of Marxism). In their own words, “The legal and economic structure of the nuclear household warps love and intimacy into abuse, ownership, scarcity.”

The TPPF Take: Our very institutions—including and especially the family—are under attack.

“The Psalmist asks, ‘If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?’” says TPPF board member Kevin Roberts. “The answer for us, at least, must be to rebuild. We must restore the family—the traditional family—to its rightful place of honor as the bedrock of our society.”

For more on rebuilding our institutions, click here.


What to Know: Inflation hurts middle income Americans the worst, the CBO says.

The TPPF Take: Inflation is the result of bad policies in D.C.

“The blame is on the excessive spending, taxing, regulating, and money-printing out of Washington,” says TPPF’s Vance Ginn. “And the progressive fiscal policy pursued by this administration and Democrats in Congress is only making it worse. Signing the misleadingly named Inflation Reduction Act was only throwing gasoline on the raging economic fire.”

For more on the economy, click here.

It’s Your Money

What to Know: Local governments, such as the city of Austin, plan to spend millions of taxpayer dollars to lobby the Legislature for even more taxpayer dollars.

The TPPF Take: Taxpayer funded lobbying should be outlawed.

“Texan legislators had a good chance to prohibit taxpayer funded lobbying last legislative session,” says TPPF’s Austin Prochko. “Over 91% of Texans want them to do so. Taxpayer funded lobbying is a heinous misuse of public funds that often goes against the wishes of many Texans—who yearn for small government and low taxes—to promote the wishes of a few Texans—city council members and mayors. It needs to end.”

For more on taxpayer funded lobbying, click here.