Texas Fights Back

What to know: The Guardian newspaper has labeled Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s concerns about the wide-open southern U.S. border as a “fixation,” and claims he has turned the border into a battlefield.

The TPPF take: After Texas defended itself with a buoy barrier in the Rio Grande, the Biden administration went on the attack against Texans.

“In south Texas, in the places where D.C. bureaucrats never go, the ordinary people are acutely sensitive to the issues at stake,” says TPPF’s Greg Sindelar. “Every American citizen in every American community has a legitimate expectation that his government will not attack his way of life, and will not side with foreign powers against him.”

For more on the border crisis, click here.

Going Up

What to know: The city of Denton may soon adopt a higher tax rate than the one in effect today. If it does, the combination of a higher rate and property value growth will send tax bills through the roof.

The TPPF take: Get ready, Denton taxpayers. Your home’s tax bill could soon jump by 13%.

“No city in Texas should be contemplating a tax rate hike today. Such a thing, in tandem with property value growth, will crush family budgets,” says TPPF’s James Quintero. “The city of Denton should reject the proposed tax rate and adopt the no-new-revenue tax rate instead. In doing so, it will send a strong message to the community that it is willing to prioritize the family budget over the government’s budget.”

For more on Denton taxes, click here.

Saving History

What to know: The retired Texas oilman who bailed out the Texas State Historical Association multiple times has won his point; the TSHA will rebalance its board in an attempt to correct the leftward lurch of the organization.

The TPPF take: Texan J.P. Bryan stood up to the forces of wokeness—and won.

“Bryan is a retired Texas oilman who agreed to step into a leadership position at TSHA last fall to help get it back on track,” says TPPF’s Roy Maynard. “He paid its bills from his own pocket, as well as restarted fundraising and development efforts. Despite his efforts, the organization’s board called a May 1 meeting, in which it seemed clear that Bryan would be fired. But he fought back—and won.”

For more on Texas history and revisionism, click here.