Texas Steps Up

What to know: Gov. Greg Abbott says the state of Texas has begun arresting illegal immigrants and charging them with trespassing—a tactic designed to make up for federal inaction at the border.

The TPPF take: Gov. Abbott’s actions are entirely appropriate.

“Texans bear the brunt of President Biden’s negligence,” says TPPF’s Kevin Roberts. “Any deterrence on illegal immigration—a border wall, detention and return, criminal prosecution, the real threat of failure to cross—will save lives. And that’s what our focus must be: preserving life, liberty, and the Rule of Law.”

For more on the border crisis, click here.

Children at Risk

What to know: The crisis within the Texas foster care system is worsening.

The TPPF take: Democratic state representatives should come back to Texas to help address the ongoing crisis.

“The recent Democratic walkout has halted any progression of legislation that would benefit Texas foster children,” says TPPF’s Lauren Boyt. “These elected representatives need to come back to Texas and work together with other lawmakers to help and protect one of the most vulnerable populations in our state. No child should have to spend the night in a government office while the people elected to protect them are sleeping in cushy hotel rooms in D.C.”

For more on the foster care crisis, click here.

Just Changing the Words

What to know: Last week, the Biden administration seemed to back down on its grant program that would reward schools for teaching critical race theory. Not so fast. The administration merely changed some verbiage.

The TPPF take: It will take vigilant parents to ensure that critical race theory doesn’t creep into classrooms.

“The short-term solution to combat this ideology is to advocate for transparency,” says TPPF’s Syd Lucas. “Get involved in your school board, and ultimately take legal action if necessary. The long-term solution to fighting CRT begins with parents fighting for the right to choose the best education for their children.”

For more on critical race theory, click here.