That’s Good Business?

What to know: CNN’s morning crew claimed that “inclusion is good business,” then harrumphed at the spontaneous boycott of Bud Light after its parent company sought to use the brand to push the trans agenda.

The TPPF take: Polls show that Americans don’t believe the radical trans agenda is “inclusive” and efforts by Bud Light, Target and others to push it on their customers have made it clear that it is not good for business.

“Disagreement with so-called ‘trans’ issues isn’t the total reason for the substantial shift toward social conservativism among Americans,” says TPPF’s Sherry Sylvester. “Progressives pushing ideas that all American and Texas history is a lie, that white supremacy is ubiquitous and racism is in America’s DNA are another chief cause. So is defunding the police, even as American cities are destroyed by crime.”

For more on radical agendas, click here.

Classical Alarmism

What to know: A group that opposes parental empowerment says that classical charter schools—which it claims are “far-right, Christian nationalist charter schools”—are meant to appeal to “white Christian families.”

The TPPF take: Our research shows that Hispanic and Asian students make up the fastest growing segment of classical education students.

“Classical education isn’t racist,” says TPPF’s Erin Davis Valdez. “Rather, classical education celebrates the good things that humans have inherited from the past while reminding us that even the greatest heroes had tragic flaws. In so doing, it provides us heroes to look up to and learn from.”

For more on classical education, click here.

High Dollar High School Facilities 

What to know: Lake Travis ISD has called a $143.1 million bond referendum for new athletic facilities for November.

The TPPF take: Public schools in Texas must stop adding to their already enormous debt.

“Now is not the time to entertain such fiscal extravagance,” says TPPF’s James Quintero. “The economy stands on the verge of recession, and inflation is costing the average U.S. household plenty, even if it’s out of the news. Now is the time for lower taxes, lower public spending and less debt.”

For more on local debt, click here.