The Answer is No

What to know: The Associated Press is asking Americans whether they truly want electric vehicles. The news outlet is shocked that most Americans say they don’t.

The TPPF take: Automakers can’t sell what consumers don’t want.

“The Biden administration’s stringent fuel economy standards and regulatory manipulations are driving American automakers toward bankruptcy and adding thousands of dollars to the cost of every gasoline vehicle,” says TPPF’s Brent Bennett. “Rolling back these subsidies and burdensome regulations would save consumers money and stop the auto industry from falling off a financial cliff.”

For more on EVs, click here.

It’s a Sin

What to know: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis says the ongoing border crisis of illegal immigration is a “sin of commission” committed by the Biden administration.

The TPPF take: TPPF’s Ammon Blair testified before the House about the border crisis last month.

“The proud people of Texas have the right and the sacred duty to defend our nation and the values that made us great,” Ammon Blair said. “We cannot stand idly by as our border crisis metastasizes into a national catastrophe that threatens to unravel the very bonds that unite us as Americans. We must act with courage and conviction before it is too late.”

To view Ammon’s testimony, click here.


What to know: Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences will no longer require diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) statements from job applicants.

The TPPF take: Is this the turn of the tide, the moment when DEI and the Left’s stranglehold on U.S. colleges and universities is weakened?

“Maybe it was the images of entitled American college students calling for genocide and religious retribution half a world away,” says TPPF’s Robert Henneke. “Perhaps it was the protesters chanting ‘Burn Tel Aviv to the ground!’ and “Hamas, we love you. We support your rockets, too!’ Perhaps it was the increasing threat of violence against Jewish students. Whatever the cause, the American public has had it with the racialized radicals at our colleges and universities.”

For more on DEI and universities, click here.