The Border Crisis is Now a Drug Crisis

What to Know: Authorities seized 1 million deadly fentanyl pills in Arizona and Colorado just last week.

The TPPF Take: President Biden’s border policies are fueling the fentanyl crisis.

“When large groups of people illegally cross the border at once, Border Patrol agents are forced to send all of their resources to one area, freeing up other areas for cartels to send through drugs, weapons, and criminal illegal immigrants,” says TPPF’s Selene Rodriguez. “Neither the fentanyl crisis nor the border crisis are new. But both are worsened under the disastrous policies of the Biden administration.”

For more on fentanyl, click here.

But It’s Also a Corruption Crisis

What to Know: Citing a TPPF report, The Federalist’s John Daniel Davidson says the border crisis is enabled by collusion between the Mexican cartels and the Mexican government.

The TPPF Take: The Mexican government has a mixed history of dealing with the cartels, alternating between nonchalance, inefficiency, or even more recently, collusion.

“The unfortunate reality is that criminal cartels have burrowed their way into the government — and vice versa,” the TPPF report reads. “Well-meaning public servants, of whom Mexico has many, are powerless against a nexus of senior officeholders, societal elites, and criminal cartels.”

For more on Mexico, click here.

Winter is Coming

What to Know: Great Britain has lifted its ban on fracking—a method for retrieving petroleum from shale formations. The country says it must strengthen its energy supplies.

The TPPF Take: America hasn’t learned from Britain’s mistakes.

“In January 2021, Joe Biden did exactly what he’d promised to do on the campaign trail, ‘…no more drilling on federal lands, no more drilling including offshore, no ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period’ and ‘no new fracking,’” says TPPF’s Jason Isaac. “His actions have halted the progress of the industry completely, cancelling leases and decreasing refining capacity and increasing our dependence on imported foreign oil. In less than two years the Biden administration has completely reversed our energy dominance achieved under President Trump.”

For more on energy production, click here.