Happy Sine Die Edition!

The End is in Sight

What to know: Today is the last day of the 88th Texas Legislature’s regular session, or “Sine Die.”

The TPPF take: As a wise man once observed, “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.”

“There’s still a long way to go in the legislative process and there’s still tremendous hope policymakers will do the right thing for all families,” says TPPF’s Brian Phillips. To keep track of events and possible shenanigans on Sine Die, watch TPPF’s Twitter feed.

Follow TPPF here.

Parent Empowerment

What to know: Don’t give up on parent empowerment yet; Texas’ legislative leaders haven’t.

The TPPF take: Texas parents deserve to be in the driver’s seat in their children’s educations. It’s worth fighting for, and even worth a special session.

“We’re very excited about Gov. Abbott’s commitment to bringing education freedom to millions of parents, and confident the special session addressing the issue will result in a success in our mission to empower parents,” says TPPF’s Mandy Drogin.

For more on parent empowerment, click here. 

And Here’s Why

What to know: What’s the unified Democratic message to parents? “Your kids belong to us, not you.”

The TPPF take: Like that New Hampshire state lawmaker, Democrats are literally telling parents to shut up and leave education to the professionals. We’ve seen similar statements from public school officials.

“Since the COVID-19 pandemic, parents and students have learned the hard way that district-schools don’t always have their best interests at heart,” says Texas Tech Professor Alex Salter, writing for The Cannon Online. “It’s time we used public resources to fund students, not systems. School choice is the family-empowerment approach we need. Let’s tell state lawmakers to bring it home.”

For more on parents’ rights, click here.