The Unforgettable Fire

What to know: On the anniversary of the death of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who was assassinated 55 years ago, the Daily Cannon looks back on MLK’s call for equality—and how it has been perverted into demands for “equity.”

The TPPF take: Wokeness threatens to undo everything that Dr. King achieved.

“The just goals he fought for, equal opportunity for all and a color-blind society, have been set aside by modern critical race theorists, in favor of divisive identity politics and collective grievance,” says TPPF’s Richard Johnson. “The logical outcome of these progressive policies won’t be the world King dreamed of. It will instead be a dystopia not far removed from the reality that so deeply disappointed King, with segregation that is at once educational, societal and economic.”

For more on Dr. King’s focus on equality, click here.


What to know: Dr. King wouldn’t recognize the “diversity, equity and inclusion” offices and demands at U.S. colleges and universities.

The TPPF take: Texas can take steps to remove so-called diversity, inclusion and equity officers from Texas colleges and universities.

“Diversity, along with equity and inclusion, are deeply rooted American values that embody our founding belief that all people are guaranteed life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” says TPPF’s Sherry Sylvester. “However, in the woke world of college campuses, DEI has been twisted into code for an anti-American mindset based on the belief that racism and inequality dominate every aspect of American life, including our commerce and culture and certainly the university.”

For more on DEI, click here.

CRT in the Classroom

What to know: New video shows that “social-emotional learning” is merely a tool for leftists to use to import critical race theory into school classrooms.

The TPPF take: Dr. King wouldn’t recognize the “anti-racism” efforts and critical race theory being taught in U.S. classrooms (often under the guise of “social-emotional learning”).

“Critical race theory forces young black and Hispanic children to accept they will always be victims and that under our current system, there is nothing they can do to improve their lot in life,” says TPPF’s Carol Swain. “It also advocates lowered standards for minorities and strips them of agency. Teaching CRT is not just unconstitutional — it is demonstrably false and cruelly immoral. CRT has no place in our schools.”

For more on CRT, click here.