They Can’t Ignore Parents Anymore

What to Know: Kids are paying a long-term price for officials shutting down schools during the pandemic.

The TPPF Take: Parents across the country pleaded for school to open back up but were ignored by the unions. It’s time to empower parents in the system so they can make the best decisions for their kids.

“TPPF has an aggressive agenda to ensure parents are the primary decision makers in their kids’ education,” says TPF’s Mandy Drogin. “It starts with knowing what’s going on in the classrooms, giving parents a real voice in evaluating the quality of the material, and granting them the right to choose which educational environment works best for their kids.”

For more on parent empowerment in education, click here.

Some Success at the Border

What to Know: Texas is having some success with a new initiative to apprehend migrants illegally crossing the southern border. More than 26,000 migrants have been arrested across five regions of the US-Mexico border within the six-day period.

The TPPF Take: Governor Abbott’s latest Executive Order will make Operation Lone Star more effective and improve the deterrent for illegal crossing.

“Intercepting migrants crossing between ports of entry will reduce the mounting ‘got away’ problem which has seen thousands of dangerous criminals and scores of individuals on the FBI’s Terrorism Watchlist evade apprehension and disperse into the interior of the country,” says TPPF’s Rodney Scott.

For more on border security, click here.

Austin Voters are Unhappy

What to Know: Most Austin voters are dissatisfied with how things are going. According to a new poll from the Austin Monitor: “a majority (57 percent) think Austin is ‘headed in the wrong direction.’ Only 18 percent of respondents said the city is moving in the right direction and 25 percent were unsure.”

The TPPF Take: Austinites are right to be disgruntled. The city’s progressive governments are failing on every front.

“Austin’s far-left local governments are failing at the basics. Kids aren’t educated, crime isn’t under control, traffic is a nightmare, and a government-induced affordability crisis has been raging for years,” says TPPF’s James Quintero. “It’s no wonder that a majority of Austinites are voicing their dissatisfaction with the direction their city is headed.”

For more on righting Austin’s wrongs, click here.