Too Little, Too Late

What to know: President Joe Biden has announced new executive orders he says will slow illegal immigration.

The TPPF take: Biden’s executive orders won’t change the situation at the border—or anywhere else.

““The executive order does nothing to end the release of inadmissible aliens using CBP One at ports of entry and does not enforce existing U.S. law between ports of entry,” says TPPF’s Selene Rodriguez. “Perhaps the largest loophole is that it does not account for the hundreds of thousands of gotaways that evade contact with law enforcement.”

For more on the order, click here.

We Got Ourselves a Convoy

What to know: TPPF attorneys have filed a lawsuit on behalf of truckers over the EPA’s new emissions rules.

The TPPF take: The EPA’s new rules go beyond what Congress authorized it to do in the Clean Air Act.

“The EPA does not have the legal authority to require the wholesale electrification of trucks and cars. The rules are not only inconsistent with the Clean Air Act—they are unconstitutional,” says TPPF’s Ted Hadzi-Antich. “Congress never gave EPA that kind of expansive authority over individual liberty.”

For more on the lawsuit, click here.

Election Integrity

What to know: Some cities continue to allow non-citizens to vote, and that has eligible voters worried about election integrity.

The TPPF take: One Wisconsin county, Washington County, is stepping up its efforts to protect elections.

“Washington County passed an election integrity package which will ensure faith in their elections this cycle,” says TPPF’s Josh Findlay. “This is a huge step that every county in Wisconsin can take to show that they are invested in ensuring the mistakes of the past do not turn the spotlight back onto Wisconsin in November.”

For more on election integrity, click here.