Uniting All Americans!

What to know: President Joe Biden’s latest executive order on the southern U.S. border has brought together both sides of the aisle—in opposing it.

The TPPF take: The president’s new executive order won’t ease the crisis at the border.

“Biden’s policy shift upon entering office triggered a tsunami of illegal immigration,” says TPPF’s Rodney Scott. “The border security gains earned over three decades vanished and Biden surrendered control of our border to transnational criminal organizations – the cartels.”

For more on the border crisis, click here.

Green Fantasies

What to know: The Biden administration’s goals for electric vehicle sales are impossible to meet, the data shows. For example, we would need half a million charging stations; after spending $7.5 billion on new charging stations, the Federal Highway Authority produced only seven.

The TPPF take: Widespread adoption of EVs will require an unprecedented and staggeringly expensive expansion of local electrical grids.

“This will require a huge increase in the production of electrical transformers, along with more power plants and transmission lines to produce and deliver energy,” says TPPF’s Mark P. Mills. “Consumers and taxpayers will pay for that multibillion-dollar price tag, whether through taxes or higher utility rates.”

For more on electric vehicles, click here.

It Wouldn’t DEI

What to know: The head of Epoch Education Inc, a “diversity, equity and inclusion” trainer says that the American flag is a hate symbol, and that teachers opposed to critical race theory “should be fired.”

The TPPF take: DEI is a failure, and Americans are rejecting it.

“Viewing the world through the DEI ideology requires pronouncing virtually everything that humans have accomplished since time began as the result of white supremacy, racism or colonialism,” says TPPF’s Sherry Sylvester. “It rejects the principles of individual freedom and autonomy, science, research, advancement, inquiry and discovery. Their worldview is a dark place where everything humans value is proclaimed to be bad and everything human decency condemns as bad is said to be good.”

For more on DEI, click here.