Waging War on Energy

What to know: Vice President Kamala Harris’ net zero policies are a way to wage war on American energy production, Sen. J.D. Vance says.

The TPPF take: Net zero policies have already harmed our energy industry—and our electrical grid.

“Coercive net zero mandates are used to drive the widespread agenda of renewables,” says TPPF’s Brent Bennett. “As Texas state Sen. Lois Kolkhorst stated in a hearing, ‘we lead the nation in renewables, even to the detriment of our citizens, as we saw in Uri.’ The increasing politicization of investing decisions since the 2020 analysis has had real negative impacts and is also of major influence in these decisions.”

For more on Net Zero, click here.

That’s Not Working

What to know: Even the leftist news site Axios admits, “Economists pan Harris-nomics,” meaning that the ideas rolled out by Vice President Kamala Harris, including food price controls, aren’t viable.

The TPPF take: Harris’ policies are truly unburdened by reality.

“The fact of the matter is that inflation is caused by the big spending policies of the Biden-Harris Administration—too much money chasing too few goods,” says TPPF’s Robert Henneke. “And the amount of federal spending the Biden-Harris administration injected into the U.S. economy in the ironically named Inflation Reduction Act was massive.”

For more on Harris-nomics, click here.

Housing Costs

What to know: Vice President Harris’ proposed $25,000 tax credit for first-time home buyers was spurred by “exorbitant” housing costs, Bloomberg reports.

The TPPF take: This much is true: Housing costs have skyrocketed.

“Poll results suggests that most everyone is feeling the strain of today’s affordability crisis and that some aspects, like utility bills, insurance, and taxes, may be more responsible than others,” says TPPF’s James Quintero. “It also suggest that people are ready for solutions. But what the Vice President proposes isn’t a serious one.”

For more on housing costs—and solutions—click here: