Wait, Did California Write This?

What to know: CNBC says that Texas is one of the top “worst” places to live.

The TPPF take: Someone really should let CNBC know that New Yorkers and Californians just can’t stop moving here.

“Moving takes a lot of effort and is usually the consequence of big personal decisions,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “People moving to Texas have their own reasons for doing so shaped by their own attitudes and, as a result, don’t necessarily reflect the prevailing cultural and political mores of the place they left behind.”

For more on migration to Texas, click here.

A Waste of $2 billion

What to know: The feds wasted billions of dollars at the border—paying Department of Defense contractors to not build the border wall, a new report from Senator James Lankford (R-Okla.) shows.

The TPPF take: The Biden administration continues to stand down at the southern border.

“President Biden has utterly failed in his constitutional duty to faithfully execute U.S. immigration laws and has intentionally created the crisis upon taking office by ending nearly every measure put in place by the Trump administration to secure the border,” says TPPF’s Wes Coopersmith. “And now, House Democrats have even put forward a bill that shamelessly cuts funding for the brave men and women of CPB and ICE.”

For more on the debacle at the border, click here.

Bad Deal for Taxpayers

What to know: Even as the Chapter 313 tax abatement provision in state law is set to expire, companies are moving quickly to take advantage of it. Of eight applications analyzed by The Texan News, a total of just 19 jobs are going to be added—at a cost to taxpayers of millions per job.

The TPPF take: Good riddance, Chapter 313. These tax breaks for corporations were costly and unnecessary.

“The strong bipartisan support for ending Chapter 313 is one of the most encouraging developments of this session,” says TPPF’s Jason Isaac. “I look forward to welcoming to the table more people and industries to pursue property tax relief to the benefit of all Texans.”

For more on Chapter 313, click here.