Waking Up from Woke

What to know: In Great Britain, the National Health Service is halting all puberty-blocking treatments for children, citing a lack of research on their safety or effectiveness.

The TPPF take: Researchers have known for some time that gender dysphoria does not put teens at greater risk of suicide than teens suffering from many other mental health risk factors including depression and anorexia.

“We also know that cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers don’t save lives but actually adversely affect mental health, which can increase suicide risk,” says TPPF’s Sherry Sylvester. “So does sex change therapy, which has been repeatedly shown to be ineffective in treating gender dysphoria in children and adolescents.”

From more on the politics of gender ideology, click here.

Double Standard

What to know: Newly released transcripts of President Joe Biden show our two-tiered justice system in action, writes Townhall’s Katie Pavlich.

The TPPF take: Politicized prosecutions are a poison to civil society—and a warning shot across the bow for all Americans.

“The broader effect of politicized prosecutions is clear — Americans are increasingly convinced we live in a nation with a two-tiered justice system,” says TPPF’s Robert Henneke. “This affirms what Americans learned from the prosecution of Trump for the alleged mishandling of classified documents, while Biden (like Hillary Clinton before him) got a pass for the same thing. And the list goes on.”

For more on politicized prosecutions, click here.


What to know: Inflation is rising again, new economic numbers show.

The TPPF take: Inflation is hurting American families.

“Under the Biden administration, the cost of gas, groceries, and rent has soared,” says TPPF’s James Quintero. “Mass layoffs have become increasingly common. And high rates of inflation continue to erode savings, disposable income, and purchasing power. In fact, the economic devastation has gotten to be so alarming that most don’t even have money set aside for a rainy day.”

For more on inflation, click here.