We Saw This Coming

What to Know: Newspapers across American continue to die at the rate of two per week.

The TPPF Take: That’s one reason we established The Cannon Online.

“Previously, we depended on the op-ed pages of newspapers—and their online editions—to disseminate our ideas, the life-blood of the conservative movement,” says TPPF’s Roy Maynard. “Over time, though, the available real estate on those pages has dwindled and the stridency of those who would silence conservative voices has grown. This is our response. Our ideas are too important to wait on the space and sympathy of a legacy news outlet.”

For more on The Cannon Online, click here.

Bad News at the Border

What to Know: The U.S. Supreme Court says the Biden administration can end the successful Migrant Protection Protocols program at the U.S. border.

The TPPF Take: This will worsen the border crisis.

“It is clear that the Biden administration is committed to tearing down every effective border security program in existence, and the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision unfortunately helps clear the way for their essentially open borders agenda,” says TPPF’s Ken Oliver. “The fact is that the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) were the single most effective measure implemented to stem massive, unrelenting abuse of the U.S. asylum system.”

For more on the border, click here.

Local Spending Sprees

What to Know: It’s budget season for cities and counties throughout Texas.

The TPPF Take: Spending by local governments is out of control.

“Major cities and counties in Texas are spending huge sums that are wildly out of step with what many taxpayers can afford to pay,” says TPPF’s Vance Ginn. “Our data should be a huge red flag that we are heading toward unsustainable spending growth and tax increases that kill jobs, punish families, and drive people and businesses out of the state.”

For more on local spending, click here.