Well-Deserved Defeat

What to know: Senate Republicans successfully killed an elections takeover bill, S. 1.

The TPPF take: This bill was designed to destroy voter protections nationwide and federalize local and state elections, making them more vulnerable to fraud.

“The U.S. Constitution empowers state legislatures to organize elections to meet local conditions,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “S. 1 would have bulldozed state control over election rules by imposing California-style election standards on the entire nation—if by standards one means no standards at all. Its defeat is a victory for fair and honest elections.”

For more on S. 1, click here.

Who are the Uninsured?

What to know: Texas still has the nation’s biggest population of uninsured people.

The TPPF take: TPPF has a new video explaining just who the uninsured are—and how to help them.

“Texas has taken strong steps to help the uninsured by creating new models for health care benefits that better serve patient’s needs,” says TPPF’s David Balat. “These new models can serve two to three times the current population in Texas who would be covered by Medicaid expansion. And they don’t come with all of the problems that Medicaid expansion states have seen, like cannibalizing resources from education and public safety.”

To watch our new video, click here.


What to know: Americans families are dealing with rising prices. Inflation is even harder on small businesses.

The TPPF take: Inflation is a tax, pure and simple, but not an explicit tax.

“Instead, it robs you of your purchasing power subtly and silently so that most people are none the wiser,” says TPPF’s Vance Ginn. “It is not accomplished expressly through legislation, but through the sophisticated maneuvers of the Fed, giving inflation an air of mystery. In reality, there is nothing mysterious about inflation. When the Fed creates money faster than the economy grows, then prices will tend to rise. That is why there is also no end in sight to this inflationary wave.”

For more on inflation, click here.