We’re Right Over Here

What to know: Democratic voters—especially minority voters—support parent empowerment and school choice. Why don’t Democratic elected officials?

The TPPF take: Parent empowerment offers hope, particularly to minority families.

“We can turn back the tide of low expectations and despair,” Houston pastor Dana Carson write for The Cannon Online. “We can take positive steps to ensure that our children get the mental food and water they need to grow into the beautiful beings they were created to be. We can do this with parental empowerment and education freedom.”

For more on parent empowerment, click here.

Broken Toys

What to know: The climate lobby is having a crisis of “broken toys,” as the public rejects more and more massive wind farms, both onshore and off.

The TPPF take: Government favors for wind and solar have real-world costs—to both taxpayers and ratepayers.

“In 2021, Texans spent about $4.1 billion on transmission fees, twice as much as in 2013,” says TPPF’s Aliyah Formont. “Most of the additional spending is facilitating new wind and solar generation. When compared to nuclear and fossil fuels, transmission costs for renewables come in about two to three times higher per unit of generating capacity.”

For more on renewable mandates and subsidies, click here.

The Heroic Past

What to know: Revisionist history works hard to tear down the heroes of our past, and to excuse some of history’s worst tyrants.

The TPPF take: Texas history buff J.P. Bryan is standing up against woke history within the Texas State Historical Association.

“Bryan is a retired Texas oilman who agreed to step into a leadership position at TSHA last fall to help get it back on track,” says TPPF’s Roy Maynard. “He paid its bills from his own pocket, as well as restarted fundraising and development efforts. Despite his efforts, the organization’s board called a May 1 meeting, in which it seemed clear that Bryan would be fired. But he’s fighting back.”

For more on Texas history and revisionism, click here.