Without Accountability, the Homeless Will Never Enjoy Freedom

What to Know: $69 million spent in Oakland on “mixed homelessness results” is but one example of the pervasive absence of accountability in California’s homelessness system.

The TPPF Take: California’s homelessness crisis is fueled by a lack of accountability.

“With the number of homeless individuals rising ever higher in California, one might think that policymakers would seek to ensure that taxpayer funds earmarked for affordable housing will be put to good use,” says TPPF’s Michele Steeb. “However, a recent report highlighted one city’s grossly ineffective and potentially wasteful efforts at housing the homeless — a symptom not just of a lack of accountability, but a failed approach to tackling its homeless crisis.”

For more on homelessness, click here.

This is a Crisis

What to Know: The out-of-control flow of millions of illegal immigrants and fake asylum seekers entering the country goes hand in hand with spending that is out of control.

The TPPF Take: President Biden unleashed an illegal immigration whirlwind, and Texas is suffering the consequences.

“From the get-go, the border chaos unleashed by Biden and his accomplices in Congress has led to mounting death tolls and ruin, for Americans and migrants alike,” says TPPF’s Ken Oliver. “Meanwhile, state and local governments, in both Republican and Democratic-led jurisdictions, are reeling from the increasingly steep costs of out-of-control illegal immigration.”

For more on immigration, click here.

It’s Coming

What to Know: Parental choice in one form or another is the future of education, Angélica Ramsey, Fort Worth ISD’s new superintendent says.

The TPPF Take: Parents should be empowered in Fort Worth and throughout Texas—even in the rural areas.

“Parents—particularly after the COVID-19 pandemic and its disastrous educational aftermath—want more options,” says TPPF’s Roy Maynard. “And given the opportunity, they create their own choices. According to reimaginED, in the last 20 years, ‘the number of private school students in Florida’s 30 rural counties has doubled, from 5,354 to 10,965, according to state data. About 70 percent of them use school choice scholarships.’”

For more on parent empowerment, click here.